TEAMS Conference & Expo

TEAMS is a Schneider Publishing produced annual trade show. It is the world’s leading conference and events expo for the sports events industry. I have served SP at over one dozen national events.

Here is the finished piece from 2014 in Las Vegas edited by the intrepid Billie Weiss, one of the best T&T contributors.

Javier Mosquera, a full time SP employee and sometimes T&T contributor completed these additional two pieces from Vegas in 2015 and Atlantic City in 2016 of our footage.

“Drew has served as a key video producer for us since 2014. He continually proves himself to be of value to our organization by quickly executing compelling short-form content for the web and other digital platforms. 
Drew is adept with cutting-edge video technology—including the use of drones and aerial cinematography—to provide perspectives of events that no one has experienced before. With minimal oversight and supervision, Drew has delivered exciting and dynamic edits that absolutely represent our organizational voice. He is highly professional and easy to work with. I recommend him most highly.” 
—Timothy Schneider, President & CEO
Schneider Publishing Company, Inc.

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