Tennis On The Roof

Tennis Australia approached us to cover a team announcement for The Laver Cup at a JP Morgan skyscraper on Madison Avenue in Manhattan. Members of Team Europe and Team World were present. Our second shooter for the day was Tried & True’s Ian Davidson. We arrived two hours in advance of the event to scout the rooftop location and test audio for the press conference portion of the morning.

We had the objective of trying to make The Laver Cup piece appealing to a younger audience, making the video playful, finding a New York sounding track while retaining the air of a classy affair. We filmed from 9am-1pm and I edited a VNR (video news release) for Australian television that afternoon. That night, I created this same-day-edit that was released on all Laver Cup platforms immediately. The piece made it through multiple rounds of revision, I hit send from the airport lounge in LaGuardia the next day and we successfully became the last piece of tennis news before the US Open draw. (The US Open sucks up all media attention at the end of August and beginning of September).

It was quite a day riding elevators with tennis stars to a rooftop one-thousand feet above sea level to film them playing around against the Manhattan skyline.







Pictured above are our cameras filming timelapses of the city and Ian capturing a shot of tennis legend Rod Laver hitting a ball into the glass revolving door.

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